When it comes to relocating large institutions like colleges or universities, it’s imperative to have experienced, trustworthy movers on your side to ensure the relocation runs smoothly. From relocating entire schools to moving laboratories, libraries, or single departments, RLD Relocation & Logistics has been a part of many university moves in the past and exercises the utmost attention to detail and care when relocating the many assets involved in a relocation like this.
With our comprehensive university moving services, you’ll have an organized moving process that accounts for all of the assets involved in your relocation, a professional packing team that are specially trained to handle laboratory equipment, delicate library books, technology, furniture, television or audiovisual equipment and more, as well as a professional project manager to oversee your entire operation from start to finish. Additionally, you can trust us to responsibly and seamlessly relocate your assets anywhere in the region, country, or world seamlessly so your organization experiences minimal downtime throughout the process.