Moving with Children: Complete Guide for a Smooth Move

Moving can be a difficult process for the entire family, as the process involves countless changes that transform many aspects of your life. Although every family member feels the impact of these shifts, children can be especially overwhelmed by this huge change, causing mental and emotional stress if not handled accordingly. However, with the proper approach, you can make your relocation a lot less taxing on your children, transforming the move into an exciting endeavor that they can effectively process.

Interested in discovering the best ways to assist your children throughout your relocation? Keep reading to learn from our complete guide!


Simple Steps to a Successful Move with Children

Moving with kids can be a difficult task, but by utilizing the right tactics, you can alleviate the emotional burden for them and guide them through the changes productively. Discover our steps to a successful move with children below!


  • Openly Communicate

Before diving into the logistics of your upcoming move, it’s essential to openly communicate with your children about the upcoming change. Sit down with them and explain the reasons for the move in a calm and age-appropriate manner. Encourage them to ask questions and express their feelings, reassuring them that their emotions are valid. In this initial conversation, your child could express an array of emotions, and being receptive to any and all of their feelings is crucial. 

  • Involve Your Kids

Make your children feel like active participants in the moving process by involving them in decision-making tasks. Let them help with packing their belongings, choosing new decorations for their rooms, or researching the new neighborhood. By involving them, you empower them and make them feel more invested in the move. Although they may be resistant at first if they’re upset about the relocation, these activities can help them to feel more positive about the upcoming change.

  • Visit Your New Home

If possible, take your children to visit the new area before the move. Explore local parks, schools, and attractions together to help them get familiar with their new surroundings. This visit can alleviate some of their anxiety about the unknown and make them feel more comfortable about the upcoming change. Try to find spots in the new area that they can get excited about, allowing them to look forward to the move.

  • Research Schools

Research schools in the new area and involve your children in the decision-making process. If possible, arrange a visit to the new school so they can meet teachers and classmates. By involving them in this crucial decision, you empower them and help them feel more prepared for the academic transition, which can sometimes be challenging emotionally and socially.

  • Keep Documents Organized

Gather all necessary documents, such as medical records and school transcripts, and keep them in a safe and easily accessible place during the move. Having these documents organized and readily available will streamline the transition process and ensure that you have everything you need for your children’s well-being and education. Additionally, handling this aspect in a timely manner will prevent any last-minute stress.

  • Provide Emotional Support

Moving can be an emotionally challenging experience for children, so it’s essential to provide them with plenty of emotional support throughout the process. Reassure them that it’s normal to feel a range of emotions and encourage open communication. Be patient and understanding, and validate their feelings as they navigate this significant life change. Facilitating open communication will strengthen your relationship with them and make moving feel less daunting for them.

  • Maintain Routines

Try to maintain familiar routines as much as possible during the move. Stick to regular meal times, bedtime routines, and other daily rituals to provide a sense of stability and security for your children amidst the chaos of packing and traveling. Although you may not be able to maintain every aspect of their existing schedule while preparing for the move, maintaining normalcy as much as possible can be helpful.

  • Remain Positive

Stay positive and enthusiastic about the move, even if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Your attitude will greatly influence how your children perceive the move. Focus on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead and encourage your children to embrace the adventure, rather than focusing on difficulties.

  • Plan for Travel

If you’re traveling a long distance, plan breaks and activities to keep your children entertained and comfortable during the journey. Bring snacks, games, and other distractions to make the trip more enjoyable. By planning ahead, you can help minimize stress and ensure a smoother travel experience for the whole family.

  • Pack Essentials Separately

Pack a separate bag or box with essential items for your children, such as favorite toys, books, and comfort items. Keep this bag easily accessible during the move so that your children have familiar items to comfort them during the transition.

  • Book Childcare if Necessary

If your children are young or need extra supervision during the move, consider booking childcare to help alleviate some of the stress for both you and your children. Having a trusted caregiver to look after your children while you focus on the logistics of the move can make the process smoother and less overwhelming.

  • Unpack Together

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, unpack and set up your children’s rooms together as a family. Try to unpack their rooms as soon as possible to allow them to settle in more quickly. Let them arrange their belongings and personalize their new space to make it feel like home. Unpacking together can be a bonding experience and help your children feel more connected to their new environment.

  • Explore the Neighborhood

Take time to explore the new neighborhood with your children. Point out local parks, shops, and other amenities to help them feel more comfortable in their new environment. By familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, your children will feel more confident and excited about their new home.


Moving with Children Made Simple

Although relocations can cause stress and sadness for your children, this guide can effectively address these difficulties, resulting in a more positive experience for the entire family.

Looking for a moving company to assist you through this journey? Count on RLD Relocation & Logistics, your premier Akron movers. For 25 years, we have served customers in Ohio and beyond, facilitating their moves to allow for a more convenient, efficient process.

With our highly-rated moving, packing, and storage solutions, you can make relocating feel like a breeze. Request a free quote online or call us today, and learn more about our trusted services at affordable rates!