Tag Archives: akron movers

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Renting vs. Buying: What’s Right for You?

Are you currently debating whether you want to rent or buy your next home? In the classic debate between renting and buying a home, the decision ultimately depends on individual circumstances, priorities, and financial goals. Both options come with their distinct advantages and considerations, making it essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully before leaping into a decision.

Whether you’re contemplating the freedom of renting or the stability of homeownership, understanding the key factors can help you make an informed choice tailored to your needs. 

If you’re seeking assistance making this important choice, allow us to walk you through the perks of each option and how they can fit into your life. Keep reading to discover more!


Should I Rent or Buy My Home?

As people plan for a relocation, it’s important to consider all aspects of renting and buying to ensure you make the right decision for your own individual circumstances. Allow us to walk you through the benefits of each option so you can find the ideal option for your wants and needs!


Renting a Home: What to Know

Renting offers several immediate benefits that cater to individuals seeking flexibility and reduced financial commitments. Here are some perks of renting to consider…

  • Flexibility

One of the most appealing aspects of renting is the flexibility it provides. Renters have the freedom to move without the hassle of selling a property, making it an ideal choice for those who anticipate changes in their living situation due to career opportunities, personal preferences, or life transitions. If you want to maintain this level of flexibility and only make a short-term commitment, renting is the perfect option for you.

  • Lower Upfront Costs

Renting typically involves lower upfront costs compared to buying a home. Instead of a substantial down payment and closing costs, renters may only need to pay a security deposit and first month’s rent. This makes renting more accessible for people with limited savings or those who aren’t looking to make that financial commitment yet. For this reason, renting can be a more cost-effective option in the short term.

  • Maintenance Responsibility

Renters are often relieved of the burden of maintenance and repairs, as these responsibilities typically fall on the landlord or property management company. For many renters, handling these issues simply requires submitting a maintenance request rather than trying to solve the issue themselves or hiring a contractor. From minor repairs to major renovations, renters can enjoy peace of mind knowing that these tasks are taken care of without the additional financial or time commitment.

  • Less Financial Risk

Renting inherently involves less financial risk compared to homeownership. Renters are not directly exposed to fluctuations in the housing market or unexpected expenses associated with property ownership, such as property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, or repairs. This can provide a sense of security for those who prefer predictable monthly expenses and want to avoid financial uncertainty.


Buying a Home: What to Know

While renting offers flexibility and reduced financial obligations, buying a home presents a range of long-term benefits that appeal to those seeking stability, investment opportunities, and a sense of permanence. Here are some perks of buying to consider:

  • Equity and Investment

One of the primary advantages of homeownership is the opportunity to build equity and make an investment in real estate. With each mortgage payment, homeowners increase their ownership stake in the property, building equity over time. This equity can serve as a valuable asset and potentially provide financial stability or opportunities for future investments.

  • Stability and Control

Homeownership offers a sense of stability and control over your living environment. Homeowners have the freedom to customize their living space, make renovations or improvements, and establish roots within a community. This stability can be particularly appealing to people or families seeking long-term residency and a sense of belonging, which can be a really significant benefit.

  • Tax Benefits

Homeownership comes with various tax benefits that can lead to significant savings. Mortgage interest deductions, property tax deductions, and potential capital gains exemptions are among the tax advantages available to homeowners. These deductions can help reduce overall tax liability and increase disposable income.

  • Long-Term Savings

Buying a home facilitates long-term savings and wealth accumulation. As property values typically appreciate over time, homeowners may benefit from the potential appreciation of their home’s value, further enhancing their financial position. Additionally, once the mortgage is paid off, homeowners can enjoy significantly lower living expenses compared to renters, providing financial security in retirement or other life stages.


Important Factors to Consider When Renting or Buying a Home

When deciding between renting and buying, several important factors should be taken into account to make an informed decision:

  • Financial Situation

Evaluate your savings, income stability, debt obligations, and long-term financial goals to determine affordability and financial readiness for homeownership. Consider factors such as mortgage rates, down payment requirements, and ongoing expenses when assessing the financial implications of buying a home.

  • Market Conditions

Stay informed about housing market trends, including housing prices, interest rates, and rental market dynamics. Understanding market conditions can help you make strategic decisions and anticipate potential changes in property values or rental rates.

  • Lifestyle

Consider your lifestyle preferences, career aspirations, family dynamics, and future plans when weighing the pros and cons of renting versus buying. Assess whether homeownership aligns with your long-term goals and whether you’re prepared for the responsibilities and commitments that come with owning a home.

  • Personal Preferences

Lastly, consider your personal preferences regarding autonomy, flexibility, and the desire for homeownership. Reflect on what matters most to you in terms of housing stability, investment potential, and overall quality of life.


Get Ready for Your Best Move Ever!

With these ideas in mind, you can make an informed decision that suits your own individual goals and needs. Which one works best for you—renting or buying? No matter which option you choose for your upcoming move, work with a moving company you can count on to get you there efficiently.

Trust RLD Relocation & Logistics with all of your moving needs in Ohio and beyond. We have provided highly-rated moving solutions to countless customers since 1998, and our team continuously works to raise the bar and improve our services even further year after year. Whether you’re moving near or far, we can tackle all of your moving, packing, and storage needs expertly, providing you with the utmost convenience and peace of mind throughout your move. 

Ready to tackle your upcoming move with RLD? Request a free quote online or call us today, and discover moving made simpler than ever!

Moving with Children: Complete Guide for a Smooth Move

Moving can be a difficult process for the entire family, as the process involves countless changes that transform many aspects of your life. Although every family member feels the impact of these shifts, children can be especially overwhelmed by this huge change, causing mental and emotional stress if not handled accordingly. However, with the proper approach, you can make your relocation a lot less taxing on your children, transforming the move into an exciting endeavor that they can effectively process.

Interested in discovering the best ways to assist your children throughout your relocation? Keep reading to learn from our complete guide!


Simple Steps to a Successful Move with Children

Moving with kids can be a difficult task, but by utilizing the right tactics, you can alleviate the emotional burden for them and guide them through the changes productively. Discover our steps to a successful move with children below!


  • Openly Communicate

Before diving into the logistics of your upcoming move, it’s essential to openly communicate with your children about the upcoming change. Sit down with them and explain the reasons for the move in a calm and age-appropriate manner. Encourage them to ask questions and express their feelings, reassuring them that their emotions are valid. In this initial conversation, your child could express an array of emotions, and being receptive to any and all of their feelings is crucial. 

  • Involve Your Kids

Make your children feel like active participants in the moving process by involving them in decision-making tasks. Let them help with packing their belongings, choosing new decorations for their rooms, or researching the new neighborhood. By involving them, you empower them and make them feel more invested in the move. Although they may be resistant at first if they’re upset about the relocation, these activities can help them to feel more positive about the upcoming change.

  • Visit Your New Home

If possible, take your children to visit the new area before the move. Explore local parks, schools, and attractions together to help them get familiar with their new surroundings. This visit can alleviate some of their anxiety about the unknown and make them feel more comfortable about the upcoming change. Try to find spots in the new area that they can get excited about, allowing them to look forward to the move.

  • Research Schools

Research schools in the new area and involve your children in the decision-making process. If possible, arrange a visit to the new school so they can meet teachers and classmates. By involving them in this crucial decision, you empower them and help them feel more prepared for the academic transition, which can sometimes be challenging emotionally and socially.

  • Keep Documents Organized

Gather all necessary documents, such as medical records and school transcripts, and keep them in a safe and easily accessible place during the move. Having these documents organized and readily available will streamline the transition process and ensure that you have everything you need for your children’s well-being and education. Additionally, handling this aspect in a timely manner will prevent any last-minute stress.

  • Provide Emotional Support

Moving can be an emotionally challenging experience for children, so it’s essential to provide them with plenty of emotional support throughout the process. Reassure them that it’s normal to feel a range of emotions and encourage open communication. Be patient and understanding, and validate their feelings as they navigate this significant life change. Facilitating open communication will strengthen your relationship with them and make moving feel less daunting for them.

  • Maintain Routines

Try to maintain familiar routines as much as possible during the move. Stick to regular meal times, bedtime routines, and other daily rituals to provide a sense of stability and security for your children amidst the chaos of packing and traveling. Although you may not be able to maintain every aspect of their existing schedule while preparing for the move, maintaining normalcy as much as possible can be helpful.

  • Remain Positive

Stay positive and enthusiastic about the move, even if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Your attitude will greatly influence how your children perceive the move. Focus on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead and encourage your children to embrace the adventure, rather than focusing on difficulties.

  • Plan for Travel

If you’re traveling a long distance, plan breaks and activities to keep your children entertained and comfortable during the journey. Bring snacks, games, and other distractions to make the trip more enjoyable. By planning ahead, you can help minimize stress and ensure a smoother travel experience for the whole family.

  • Pack Essentials Separately

Pack a separate bag or box with essential items for your children, such as favorite toys, books, and comfort items. Keep this bag easily accessible during the move so that your children have familiar items to comfort them during the transition.

  • Book Childcare if Necessary

If your children are young or need extra supervision during the move, consider booking childcare to help alleviate some of the stress for both you and your children. Having a trusted caregiver to look after your children while you focus on the logistics of the move can make the process smoother and less overwhelming.

  • Unpack Together

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, unpack and set up your children’s rooms together as a family. Try to unpack their rooms as soon as possible to allow them to settle in more quickly. Let them arrange their belongings and personalize their new space to make it feel like home. Unpacking together can be a bonding experience and help your children feel more connected to their new environment.

  • Explore the Neighborhood

Take time to explore the new neighborhood with your children. Point out local parks, shops, and other amenities to help them feel more comfortable in their new environment. By familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, your children will feel more confident and excited about their new home.


Moving with Children Made Simple

Although relocations can cause stress and sadness for your children, this guide can effectively address these difficulties, resulting in a more positive experience for the entire family.

Looking for a moving company to assist you through this journey? Count on RLD Relocation & Logistics, your premier Akron movers. For 25 years, we have served customers in Ohio and beyond, facilitating their moves to allow for a more convenient, efficient process.

With our highly-rated moving, packing, and storage solutions, you can make relocating feel like a breeze. Request a free quote online or call us today, and learn more about our trusted services at affordable rates!

Moving with Pets: Complete Guide

Are you planning an upcoming relocation but feeling unsure about how to approach the relocation with your pets? Moving to a new home is a significant life event, and it can be even more stressful for our four-legged friends than it is for us. To make the transition as smooth as possible, careful planning and consideration are essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the crucial steps and tips to ensure a stress-free move for you and your pets. Keep reading to discover the best steps to make the transition feel like a breeze!

  • Visit the Vet

Before embarking on your moving journey, be sure to schedule a visit to the veterinarian. Ensure that your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and receives a health check-up. If you’re moving to a new area, ask your vet for recommendations on pet care services in the new location. Additionally, obtain a copy of your pet’s medical records, which can be helpful in case of an emergency. Doing your due diligence will allow for a much smoother relocation process with your pets.

  • Update Identification

Ensure your pet’s identification tags are current with your new contact information. If your pet is microchipped, update the details linked to the chip. This step is crucial in case your pet gets lost during the move or in the initial days at the new location. Updating these forms of identification is a necessity, and it will ultimately provide you with peace of mind during the relocation.

  • Research Local Regulations

Different cities and states may have varying pet regulations, such as licensing requirements or restrictions on certain breeds. Research the local pet laws at your new destination to ensure you comply with all necessary regulations. This knowledge will help you avoid any surprises and make the transition smoother for your furry friend.

  • Maintain Your Routines

Pets thrive on routines, and a move can disrupt their sense of stability. As much as possible, maintain your regular feeding, walking, and playtime schedules in the weeks leading up to your relocation. Consistency will provide comfort to your pets amid the chaos of packing and moving. This sense of normalcy can keep you and your pets feeling as calm as possible throughout the move.

  • Start Packing Early

Packing up an entire household takes time, and pets can become stressed by the changes happening around them. Start the packing process early to minimize disruptions and allow your pets to gradually adjust to the changing environment. This will also help you avoid the last-minute rush and ensure a more organized move, ultimately allowing you to enjoy a much less stressful relocation process.

  • Acclimate Pets to Boxes

Naturally, your pets will be curious about the many changes in their environment, and this includes the many boxes you’ll be filling ahead of your move. Introduce your pets to the moving boxes gradually. Leave some boxes open for exploration and allow them to get used to the sight and smell of packed belongings. This step helps reduce anxiety and makes the presence of boxes less intimidating for your pets.

  • Prepare for Transportation

Consider the mode of transportation for your pets carefully. If you’re driving, ensure your pet is familiar and comfortable with the car. For longer journeys, plan for breaks to allow your pet to stretch, relieve themselves, and stay hydrated. If you’re flying, research pet travel policies and choose a pet-friendly airline. Having a thorough plan for your pets’ transportation will allow for a much less stressful process.

  • Pack Pet Items Last

When packing up your home, save your pet’s belongings for last. Familiar items like their bed, toys, and bowls can provide a sense of comfort during the journey and in the new environment. Unpacking these items first at the new home will help your pet settle in more quickly, as they can adjust to the new space with the familiar smells of these items.

  • Pack a Pet Essentials Bag

Prepare a bag with essential items for your pet during the move and the first few days in the new home. Include food, water, bowls, medication, grooming supplies, and comfort items. Having these essentials readily available will make the transition smoother and reduce stress for your pet. Plus, having these items on hand is necessary during your move to take proper care of your pets.

  • Pet-Proof Your New Home

Before bringing your pets into the new home, pet-proof the space. Check for any potential hazards or escape routes, secure windows and balconies, and remove toxic plants or substances. Creating a safe environment will prevent accidents and ensure your pet’s well-being.

  • Unpack Pet Items First

Once you arrive at your new home, prioritize unpacking your pet’s belongings. Set up their designated area with familiar items so they have a comfortable and secure space amidst unfamiliar surroundings. This will help ease their anxiety and promote a faster adjustment to the new environment. Their familiar items will allow them to feel comfortable in their new home.

  • Settle In

After the move, focus on helping your pet acclimate to the new surroundings. Gradually reintroduce routines and spend quality time with them. Exploration of the new environment should be supervised initially to ensure their safety. Be patient and understanding as your pet adjusts to their new home, and make sure you put in the time and energy to help your pet become comfortable in the space.


Moving with Pets Made Simple

Moving with pets requires careful planning and consideration to ensure their safety and well-being throughout the process. By following these essential steps and providing your pets with love, patience, and reassurance, you can make the moving experience a positive one for the entire family. Searching for a trusted moving company to make the process even easier? Count on RLD Relocation & Logistics, your premier movers in Akron! 

Since 1998, our company has provided high-quality moving services to countless customers and their beloved pets. We offer comprehensive moving, packing, and storage solutions at competitive prices, greatly simplifying the moving process. Request a free quote online or call us today to find out more information!

Corporate Relocation Guide for Employers

For businesses in any industry, your employees serve as the backbone of the company, an indispensable aspect of your organization. These people make the organization what it is, providing endless value day in and day out.

When it comes to finding the right talent for your business, this sometimes means relocating your employees to secure the team you’re aiming to form; however, corporate relocations require plenty of attentiveness and care to ensure the process is handled correctly. Interested in learning the best ways to move your team members to their destination? Discover our comprehensive corporate relocation guide for employers, and prepare for seamless moving!


8 Comprehensive Steps to Corporate Relocation

Corporate relocation is a complex process that requires meticulous planning and execution. To ensure a smooth transition for both your organization and your employees, following these eight comprehensive steps can allow for a more harmonious moving experience.


Establishing the Need

  • Purpose of Relocations

Understanding the purpose behind your corporate relocations is essential. Whether your goal is expanding to new markets, consolidating operations, or acquiring talent, a clear understanding of the goals will guide the entire relocation process. Define these objectives as part of your business plan, allowing you to direct your focus to these topics.

  • Benefits of Corporate Relocation

Identify and communicate the benefits of corporate relocation. This includes enhanced organizational performance, increased employee morale, and career growth opportunities. Highlighting these advantages will foster a positive attitude among employees and empower you to clearly express the perks to your team.


Planning and Preparation

  • Creating a Relocation Policy

Developing a comprehensive relocation policy is a crucial aspect of your organization’s corporate relocations. This policy should outline eligibility criteria, financial assistance, and support services provided to employees. A well-defined policy sets expectations and ensures consistency in the relocation process.

  • Budgeting for Relocations

Determine a realistic budget covering all aspects of the relocation process, including moving expenses, temporary housing, transportation, and other associated costs. A carefully planned budget helps in avoiding unforeseen financial challenges. Develop your budget as comprehensively as possible to properly prepare and know what to expect through these employee relocations.

  • Communicating with Employees

Transparent and timely communication is key, as this will solidify your presence as a trustworthy, dependable employer. Inform employees about the upcoming relocation, providing sufficient time for preparation and addressing any concerns they may have. Clear communication builds trust and minimizes anxiety among employees, allowing for a more successful experience overall.


Selecting a Relocation Partner

  • Evaluating Moving Companies

Choosing the right relocation partner empowers your organization and employees to enjoy the most simplified move possible. Evaluate potential moving companies based on their experience, reputation, and ability to meet the specific needs of your organization. Consider companies with a track record of successful corporate relocations, carefully vetting your options to ensure you make a suitable choice for your goals and needs.

  • Obtaining Estimates

Gather estimates from multiple moving companies to find the best pricing and most comprehensive services. This step allows your organization to make informed decisions based on cost-effectiveness and the range of services offered. A high-quality moving company will provide a thorough assessment to ensure their quote is accurate.

  • Assess the Options

Consider factors such as the relocation company’s expertise, insurance coverage, and additional services provided. A thorough assessment will help in selecting a relocation partner that aligns with the organization’s goals and values.


Employee Assistance

  • Providing Information and Resources

Empower employees with detailed information about the new location. This includes details on schools, healthcare facilities, local amenities, and other essential resources. Well-informed employees are better equipped to navigate the challenges of relocation, and having support through the process will make it infinitely easier for them.

  • Family Assistance Programs

Acknowledge the impact of relocation on families, not just the employees themselves. Implement family assistance programs that address the unique needs of spouses and children, such as spouse employment assistance and child education support. Reducing stressors for the whole family should be the goal during this step.


Legal and Compliance

  • Understanding Legal Requirements

Thoroughly research and understand the legal obligations and regulations associated with corporate relocation. This includes compliance with employment laws, contracts, and any other legal considerations in both the current and destination locations.

  • Tax Implications

Educate employees about potential tax implications related to relocation. Provide guidance on tax matters, ensuring that both the organization and employees are well-informed and compliant with tax regulations.


Moving Logistics

  • Providing Moving Services

Establish a detailed inventory management system to track assets before, during, and after the relocation. Ensure the moving services selected cover packing, transportation, and unpacking, providing a seamless transition for employees as they move to their new location.

  • Temporary Housing Arrangements

Coordinate temporary housing solutions for employees to facilitate a smooth transition. Temporary housing arrangements provide employees with a comfortable and supportive environment while they settle into the new location, allowing their transition to feel less stressful.


Settling In

  • Integration Support

Organize orientation programs to help employees and their families integrate into the new community. Cover aspects such as local attractions and services, amenities, and social opportunities, fostering a sense of belonging.


Monitoring and Feedback

  • Regular Check-Ins with Relocated Employees

Establish a system for regular check-ins with relocated employees. This provides an opportunity to address any concerns and ensures ongoing support during the adjustment period. Remaining attentive to your employees’ needs, questions, and concerns will foster a positive working relationship and ensure their relocation is successful.

  • Gathering Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Actively seek feedback from both employees and the relocation company. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine the relocation process for future endeavors. Understanding where corporate relocations can be improved will only strengthen them in the future.

  • Addressing Post-Relocation Issues

Be proactive in addressing any post-relocation issues that may arise. Timely resolution of challenges contributes to employee satisfaction and a positive relocation experience, ultimately benefitting employers and employees alike.


Corporate Relocation Made Easy for Your Employees

By following these eight comprehensive steps, employers can navigate the intricacies of corporate relocation successfully, fostering a positive and productive transition for both the organization and its relocated employees. Searching for a trusted moving company to assist you through the process? Count on RLD Relocation & Logistics, Akron’s trusted movers for over 25 years. 

At RLD, our primary goal is to deliver the highest quality relocation services to our customers and clients during each and every move. We provide premium moving, packing, and storage solutions at competitive rates, empowering your business to enjoy the convenience and efficiency of high-quality services without breaking the bank. Request a free quote online today or call us at (234) 334-7777, and learn more about our trusted services!

Top 10 Reasons to Move to Ohio in 2024

As we enter 2024, are you considering a move to Ohio? If you’re on the fence about relocating to the Buckeye State, that’s okay—allow us to introduce you to just ten of the many perks of living here. People may consider moving to Ohio for various reasons, as our state proudly offers a mix of urban and rural environments with diverse opportunities. Learn more about why Ohio might just be the perfect state for you as you embark on a relocation journey!

  • Low Cost Of Living

One of the most compelling reasons to consider Ohio as your new home is its remarkably low cost of living. Ohio offers affordable housing, reasonable utility costs, and relatively inexpensive day-to-day expenses compared to many other states throughout the country. This affordability factor can significantly contribute to a higher quality of life, allowing residents to allocate resources to other areas of their budget.

  • Abundance of Parks and Nature to Enjoy

For nature enthusiasts and those seeking outdoor adventures, Ohio boasts an abundance of parks and natural wonders to enjoy. From serene lakes and lush forests to picturesque hiking trails, the state provides a diverse range of outdoor activities. Whether you’re into hiking, camping, or simply enjoying a peaceful day by the water, Ohio’s natural landscapes offer a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Plus, Ohio has 75 state parks, providing lots of spots to explore.

  • Three Major Cities

Ohio is home to three major cities—Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati—each offering its own unique charm and opportunities. Columbus, the state capital, is a vibrant hub known for its growing economy and diverse cultural scene. Cleveland, located on the shores of Lake Erie, combines a rich industrial history with modern attractions, including the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cincinnati, situated on the banks of the Ohio River, is celebrated for its architecture, culinary scene, and numerous festivals. The Three C’s of Ohio offers many elements to enjoy.

  • Varied Food Scene

Food enthusiasts will find Ohio to be an alluring destination with its diverse and evolving culinary landscape. From local diners serving comfort food to upscale restaurants offering international cuisines, Ohio’s food scene caters to all tastes. Whether you’re craving a classic Midwest meal, exploring global flavors, or indulging in farm-to-table experiences, Ohio’s cities and towns have a wide array of dining options to satisfy your palate.

  • Friendly Neighbors

Ohioans are known for their friendliness and welcoming nature. Moving to a new place can be daunting, but the warmth of the community in Ohio makes the transition smoother. Whether you choose a close-knit neighborhood in a small town or a lively urban community, the friendly atmosphere that has become a trademark of Ohio is likely to make you feel right at home.

  • Booming Job Market

Ohio’s economy has begun thriving in recent years, offering a diverse range of job opportunities across various sectors. The state has a solid manufacturing base, a growing technology sector, and a robust healthcare industry. Cities like Columbus, in particular, have become hotspots for job seekers, with numerous companies establishing their headquarters or expanding operations in the region. The flourishing job market is a significant appeal for individuals looking to advance their careers.

  • Strong Educational Options

If education is a priority for you or your family, Ohio has much to offer. The state is home to several reputable universities and colleges, including the renowned Ohio State University. Whether you’re pursuing higher education, seeking quality K-12 options for your children, or engaging in lifelong learning, Ohio provides a range of educational opportunities to suit various needs and interests.

  • Affordable Housing

The cost of housing in Ohio is notably affordable, especially when compared to other areas of the country, making it an attractive destination for those looking to purchase their first home or upgrade to a larger living space. The state offers a variety of housing options, from historic homes with character to modern apartments in bustling urban centers. The affordability of housing contributes to the overall economic advantage of living in Ohio.

  • Prominent Sports Culture

Ohioans are passionate about their sports, and the state has a rich sports culture. Whether you’re a football, basketball, or baseball fan, Ohio has a variety of professional teams that draw enthusiastic crowds. From cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes to supporting the Cleveland Browns, the sports culture in Ohio provides a sense of community and shared excitement for athletic achievements.

  • Cultural Attractions

Ohio offers many attractions for those who appreciate exploring new cultural experiences. Museums, theaters, music festivals, and art galleries are scattered throughout the state. Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame stands as an iconic destination, showcasing the history and impact of rock and roll music. Cultural events and festivals throughout the year provide residents with ample opportunities to engage in the arts and explore Ohio’s diverse cultural offerings.

Ready for Your Ohio Move?

With so many reasons to relocate to Ohio, what are you waiting for? If you’re searching for a dependable Ohio moving company to help you along the way, count on none other than RLD Relocation & Logistics to deliver exactly what you need. With our moving, packing, and storage services, we can facilitate a seamless relocation, regardless of the size or distance.

Our team of moving experts is ready to provide you with the moving solutions you’ve been searching for in order to accomplish your relocation goals. Interested in working with us? Request a free quote online, and learn more about our competitive rates!

How to Take the Stress Out of Moving

Moving can be one of life’s most stressful events. On top of the emotional difficulties of leaving a place you call home, you then need to tackle countless tasks to get yourself and your belongings to your new location. No matter how many times you’ve relocated in the past, the average person is bound to experience anxiety at some point during the process. However, these stress levels can also make moving even more challenging, resulting in a vicious cycle that only makes the experience unenjoyable. 

Tips to Make Moving Less Stressful

Fortunately, there are plenty of tactics to transform your move, making the process easier and decreasing your stress levels. Your relocation can feel a lot less daunting with the right tips and tricks. Interested in discovering the best ways to take the stress out of moving? Keep reading to learn five helpful steps!


Give Yourself Plenty of Time

First and foremost, you should always give yourself even more time than you anticipate needing. When you’re in a time crunch or rushing to finish tasks, stress is nearly unavoidable. It can feel like nothing will be completed on time, and this will easily increase the amount of worry you’re feeling. To avoid these heightened stress levels, start preparing for your move as soon as you can. Getting all your ducks in a row as early as possible will have an incredibly positive effect on your relocation, as you won’t be faced with the idea that certain tasks won’t be completed (or at the very least, properly completed).

Especially when you tackle the packing process, try not to rush through it, as this typically is more harmful than helpful. Having the ability to take your time and handle various moving projects in small, digestible chunks will go a long way in making your move feel easier and as close to stress-free as you can get. You’ll thank yourself later when you begin your move prep early! 


Make a To-Do List and a Schedule

Keeping a moving checklist handy will always make the process feel infinitely easier. Not only does a to-do list prevent you from forgetting about important tasks, but it can also allow you to see what you have already accomplished and what you still need to complete. This can further enable you to divide the process of moving into smaller tasks that feel less overwhelming. Your to-do list can serve as your guide to what’s next to complete. Additionally, creating a schedule or putting your checklist in chronological order can be helpful ways to keep yourself on task and meet any deadlines that may be necessary to follow. 


Keep the Process Organized

No matter how hectic the relocation process may feel, it will only be worsened by a disorganized approach. Instead of haphazardly rushing, make full use of your time management and your to-do list by utilizing a strategic technique. This will be especially useful when you handle packing, since this is the part of a move that can benefit the most from careful organization. Remember to label your boxes in a detailed manner, writing all the relevant information in bold letters on numerous sides of the box. You should also make sure to only include items from the same room in each box. Packing in a more methodical way and taking your time to organize your boxes will make a world of difference as you go about your move.


Divide and Conquer

As difficult as it can feel, it’s crucial to ask for help throughout your move, rather than handling everything yourself and ultimately burning yourself out. Although many of us struggle to accept help, it’s very beneficial to allow other people in your life to lend a hand when you need it. Moving is a big task, consuming a lot of time and energy, and when your life is already busy, it can feel overwhelming to coordinate a move. Calling on friends and family for assistance can be transformative to the overall moving experience.

Additionally, enlisting the help of professional movers and packers is always an excellent option. These moving experts are there for a reason — to provide knowledge, expertise, and reliable services. Allow trustworthy pros to tackle the tasks you need help with so you can focus on other aspects of your move in the meantime. You don’t need to do it all on your own!


Make Time for Yourself

Last but certainly not least, remember to make time for yourself amid all the craziness of your relocation. You may be tempted to push through the process without much time for relaxation or fun, but this will quickly have a negative impact. Instead, force yourself to unwind in whatever ways work for you. Hang out with friends, spend time in nature, enjoy a spa day, make a delicious meal with family — whatever resonates with you! Giving yourself these much-needed breaks is absolutely necessary as you get ready for your big move.


Looking for the Best Akron Movers for Your Relocation?

By following these tips, you will find that moving doesn’t have to be a dreaded process. Instead, it can be manageable and simplified. When you’re seeking a reliable moving company to provide you with the added help you’re looking for, RLD Relocation & Logistics is here for you!

We have been your trusted Akron movers since 1998, and we can facilitate local and long distance moves easily thanks to our team of experienced movers. Request a free quote today, and find out just how easy moving can be with you work with RLD!

How to Find the Right Long Distance Movers

When you’re getting ready to tackle a long-distance move, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities you need to handle in the coming weeks and months. How can you alleviate some of the stress? What can effectively improve your move? The answer you’re looking for is a reliable long-distance moving company!

How to Look for a Long-Distance Moving Company

As you prepare for your big move, Ohio long-distance movers can take some of the tasks involved with relocation off of your plate. But what’s the best way to find the right long-distance movers for your move? If you’re looking for the most effective method to book a moving company you can trust, keep reading to discover our six simple steps!


  • Get Recommendations & Find Reviews


The first step in finding the right long-distance moving company in Ohio is to seek out recommendations. Ideally, talk to trusted friends, family, and neighbors to see which moving companies they have booked with previously. By consulting people you trust, you can gain insight into which movers are worth the cost and which ones should be avoided. These word-of-mouth recommendations can be some of the most valuable insights into the best movers in your area.

It’s also crucial to enlist the help of reviews. There are plenty of places online to find customer reviews of moving companies, and all it takes is a quick search to find feedback about these movers. Using these candid, honest reviews to determine the quality of a moving company is a great way to discern how trustworthy and reliable their services really are. Plus, this will help you to avoid any moving scams, which are prevalent issues in the current moving landscape.


  • Request Quotes From Numerous Companies


Once you’ve determined which moving companies seem trustworthy, it’s time to request quotes. Always be sure to request in-home estimates from at least three companies so you can ensure you receive a fair price. An important tip to remember as you receive these quotes, however, is that you should never go for a company that provides you with a suspiciously low price. Although affordability is a top priority, it can be a signal of a dishonest company if they estimate a shockingly low rate.

A reputable moving company will always complete an in-home estimate. This means that a professional mover will visit your home to assess how much it will cost to move the number of items in your home. Without this type of assessment, it’s very difficult to receive a fair picture of your moving costs. The only exception here should be if the movers have a virtual survey option, which is a more recent development that can provide accurate quotes through artificial intelligence. Otherwise, however, you should never trust a mover that does not provide these legitimate quote practices.


  • Ask the Right Questions


Before you book with a moving company, you should know the right questions to ask. This can be very helpful in determining which movers are right for you. A few of the questions to consider discussing with a prospective moving company include the following: 

  • Are your estimates binding?
  • What does your full menu of services include?
  • How do you calculate your moving estimates?
  • What is your policy for damages and loss?
  • Do you have a method for customers to track their shipment?

These questions can give you the full picture of what your experience will look like with a moving company.


  • Be Mindful of Red Flags


Unfortunately, moving scams are fairly common, and it’s important to be on the lookout for any red flags that may suggest that a moving company is being dishonest or attempting to scam you. As you search for reliable movers, it’s best to err on the side of caution if you notice anything that seems suspicious. Below are a few common warning signs that may tip you off to a moving scam.

  • Lacks the proper licenses and insurance
  • Provides you with a suspiciously low rate
  • Does not complete an in-home assessment
  • Gives you an incomplete or blank contract
  • Not in good standing with the Better Business Bureau
  • Does not have a physical address
  • Answers the phone without saying the company name
  • Has a history of changing names

These are some of the most prevalent ways to tell when a moving company might have bad intentions. If you notice any of these characteristics or behaviors, it’s most likely in your best interest to move forward with a different moving company.


  • Look for the Right Credentials


Dependable movers will always have the proper credentials to confirm that they are a trustworthy business that provides reliable services. First, check to make sure that the moving company has a U.S. DOT through the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This number should be readily available, as most moving companies list it directly on their website.

Next, you should check to see if the company is in good standing with the Better Business Bureau. Plus, if the movers are a Better Business Bureau accredited business, that’s even better! Checking for these credentials allows you to see the credibility of a business.


  • Choose the Company That Suits Your Needs


Finally, be sure to go with a company that suits your moving goals and needs most completely. Finding a company that can comprehensively provide you with all the services you need, whether it’s moving, storage, or packing, should play a large role in your decision making. Talking with a moving agent at the chosen company about your goals can help you determine whether or not they can fully meet your needs.

Your Trustworthy Long-Distance Movers in Akron

Looking for moving companies in Akron? When you need Ohio movers you can trust, count on RLD Relocation & Logistics to provide you with the very best in quality and professionalism. Our knowledgeable moving professionals are ready every step of the way to improve your moving experience and make your relocation as easy and stress-free as possible. Interested in discovering more about our services? Request a free in-home move estimate or virtual move survey, and find out about our high-quality solutions at competitive rates!

Most Popular Cities in Ohio to Move to

Looking to complete a move to Ohio, but not quite sure about which city is right for you? Still on the fence about where in Ohio you and your family should settle down? Don’t worry, we have just the list for you to move to the best place for you.

Best Cities to Move to in Ohio

The Buckeye State is a great state full of various cities and towns that offer their own unique perks, and no matter what you’re looking for, you’re likely to find it here. Keep reading to discover four of the most popular Ohio cities to move to from a trusted local Ohio moving company!

Shaker Heights

First on our list is Shaker Heights, a suburb of Cleveland located in Cuyahoga County. This town has a population of just under 30,000 residents, and it is consistently ranked among the best places to live in Ohio. It was even voted as the Best Place to Raise a Family in Northeast Ohio Magazine’s 2022 Parent Choice Awards, which speaks to just how great of a place Shaker Heights is.

If you’re looking to relocate here, you will likely need to have a higher budget for housing, but the real estate here is worth the higher price tag. Plus, this is offset by the median household income here, bolstered by the great job market in this area.

Looking to move your family here? You can rest assured that your children will receive an excellent education within the Shaker Heights City School District, which offers the highly coveted International Baccalaureate Program to its students.

There are also many fun activities to do and places to enjoy for families. Shaker Heights has a calendar full of parks and recreation programs for its residents to partake in, so it’s easy for you to find community and enjoy hobbies and activities that pique your interest.


Next up is Oakwood, a suburb of Dayton with a population totaling in at just under 10,000, categorized as a sparse suburban feel for its residents. It ranked third in Niche’s Best Places to Live in Ohio list of 2023, as well as Niche’s list of Best Places to Raise a Family in Ohio.

This town is a safe place to live and has crime rates below the national average, so you can have peace of mind that you and your loved ones will be secure here. This is a priceless aspect of Oakwood.

Additionally, you will find a kind, neighborly community in this town. The people of Oakwood hold countless events to better the town as a whole, from recycling events to perennial sales. The town makes an effort towards sustainability, which is an incredible quality, and when you move here, you’re welcomed by a New Resident Breakfast and other welcoming functions.

Oakwood is truly a neighborly city, as they call it, that invites people from all walks of life to come join the community.

Ottawa Hills

As one of the smaller towns on our list, Ottawa Hills has a population of around 4,800 and sits on either side of the Ottawa River. This town is a great place to relocate for people seeking a family-friendly suburb to settle into. The Ottawa Hills Local School District is highly rated, boasting a student-to-teacher ratio of around 16 to 1.

State test scores also show that 91% of students are at least proficient in math and 92% are at least proficient in reading. Children here can expect to receive excellent academics in Ottawa Hills.

In addition, this town has a calendar full of great events for residents to enjoy. Kids can spend time at cooking clubs, yoga classes, field hockey clinics, art camps, and countless other activities. For the adults, you can discover chess groups, yoga, birding, and workout classes, among other things. It’s difficult to run out of things to do in this town, and you can find many like-minded neighbors who enjoy the same interests as you!


Next, we have Madeira, a suburb of Cincinnati. You can get to the city through a short 12-mile drive on Interstate 71, meaning you can enjoy the perks of the metropolitan area while still living the quiet suburban life.

It ranks as Niche’s #1 Best Place to Live in the Cincinnati Area. Why? First, Madeira is a safe place to reside. It is safer than 85% of cities in the United States, which is a huge selling point for this town. The crime rates here sit well below the national averages.

Next, Madeira calls itself The Friendly Town, thanks to its wonderful sense of community. The city of Madeira is home to three park facilities — Sellman Park, McDonald Commons Park, and Nelle V. Hosbrook Bird Sanctuary. These spots offer soccer and baseball fields, tennis courts, picnic areas, playgrounds, trails, and beautiful nature areas to enjoy.

For people who enjoy spending time outdoors, these are the perfect places to spend your day. The city also has many volunteer opportunities so you can play a part in making the community an even better place to live!

Complete your Ohio Move With Your Trusted Akron Movers

These are only four of the great places to move to in Ohio, but there are countless other towns to discover! Ready to relocate to Ohio?

Count on your reliable Akron movers to get you there. RLD Relocation & Logistics is your premier Ohio moving company, and we’re ready to help you make your Ohio relocation a major success! We’ve served the community since 1998 and continue to commit ourselves to provide our customers with the best moving solutions possible. Request a free quote today, and find out what we can do for you!

How to Spot & Avoid a Moving Scam

When you’re completing a relocation, one of the best ways to simplify the process and reduce your stress is to enlist the help of a professional moving company.

These companies can transport your items, provide packing services, or offer secure and reliable storage for your belongings — all useful elements that can transform your moving experience. However, not every moving company can provide you with the helpful services and positive encounters you’re looking for.

Unfortunately, it has become entirely necessary to carefully vet a moving company and assess its quality and legitimacy before working with them. Why? Sadly, many companies who claim to be high-quality, trustworthy movers are actually scammers or what has come to be known as rogue movers.

These scammers are the antithesis of the average moving company that strives to provide their customers with high-quality moving solutions, and instead, they seek to steal money or belongings from unsuspecting individuals who thought they were a reputable moving company. 

How to Spot Moving Scams

The presence of these rogue movers presents the question: “How can I spot and avoid a moving scam?”. The good news is that these fraudulent companies aren’t undetectable by any means, instead presenting various red flags that can alert customers before signing a contract or paying any money.

Curious about the best ways to keep yourself safe from these scammers? Keep reading, and discover seven of the most common warning signs to keep an eye out for!

  • Suspicious Payment Requirements

One of the easiest ways to detect a moving scam is through the ways they ask for payment or how much they ask you to pay upfront.

If they require a cash payment or don’t accept credit cards, this is always a warning sign. This means they will have an easy way to take your money and run, rather than being traceable or allowing you to request a refund through your bank. 

Another common tactic is to ask for a large sum of money upfront before any services are actually provided to you. Most moving companies do not require a deposit at the time of booking, and if they do, a reputable company will usually only request a small fraction of your total cost. A request for cash upfront should always be declined to avoid any potential scams.

  • Incomplete Estimates

When your Ohio movers complete your in-home estimate, you should expect them to assess the items you will be moving through a thorough walk-through of your home.

The mark of a high-quality estimate is that your moving representative will take the time to evaluate everything completely and ask the necessary questions to get a clear picture of your move. Without these elements, the movers can’t possibly grasp your relocation and how much it will tentatively cost. 

If the moving company you’re considering doesn’t thoroughly complete your estimate or even skips the in-person estimate overall, this is a serious red flag and should probably push you away from the company as a whole. There is a lot of value and importance to the in-home estimate, as it’s the only way to gain an understanding of what your move will fully entail.

  • Shockingly Low Estimates

If a moving company provides you with a surprisingly low estimate, it probably seems too good to be true, that’s because it is too good to be true.

Although finding a reasonable price is an important part of the process of searching for movers, an outlandishly low rate is never a positive sign. You should always be suspicious when this happens, and to ensure you have a better understanding of the right price for the job, be sure to request quotes from various companies to gain a thorough picture of the market price.

Oftentimes, companies that provide customers with these low estimates end up pulling bait-and-switch schemes. This involves providing a low quote at first but then demanding a much greater price once your belongings are delivered, claiming that the job was bigger than they anticipated. 

  • Lacks Proper Certifications

Any reputable moving company you would want to work with will have all the proper certifications and licenses to be in business. You should be able to easily find a company’s United States Department of Transportation number online on their website.

You should also check that the company is a licensed mover in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration database.

In addition to these forms of authentication, it’s critical to check that the company is in good standing with the Better Business Bureau, as this is extremely telling of the quality of the movers’ services.

  • Missing Paperwork

Although this might seem obvious, it’s always crucial to be cognizant of the contract a moving company is providing to you.

Of course, if a company isn’t providing you with any written contract at all, that is a major red flag and should be completely avoided. However, another important warning sign to look out for is incomplete paperwork. Sometimes, these scammers will leave sections of a contract blank, allowing them to take advantage of aspects that aren’t outlined. 

Having a thorough contract that details all aspects of your move is critical to avoiding a moving scam. These contracts can be your saving grace to ensure everything is documented and in writing if there are any disputes with the movers or discrepancies in what was expected by both parties. Take extra care to review your contract thoroughly before signing.

  • Constant Name Changes

If a company has a history of various name changes, this is a major warning sign. Oftentimes, scammers will change their name to avoid being tied to negative reviews or any bad standing with the Better Business Bureau. When they change their name, it makes the company a lot more difficult to trace and prevents customers from gaining a clear understanding of the company’s quality.

If you find name changes in the history of a company you’re interested in working with, use careful judgment to discern if the company is trustworthy, and always err on the side of caution.

  • Unavailable Contact Information

One final warning sign is a lack of physical address or phone number. Every reputable moving company needs a physical location tied to it, providing them a place to house their supplies, meet with customers, and receive customer phone calls, among other tasks. Without this physical location, it can be difficult to trust the credibility of a company.

Additionally, the company should always have a working phone number that is manned by an actual human — not a robot — during business hours. If you’re unable to reach a human at this phone number, don’t proceed with the company, as it could likely be a scam.

Work With an Akron Moving Company You Can Trust

Now that you’re aware of the various risks that exist in the moving industry, you’re better equipped to deal with any potential scams that come your way. 

As you go about your relocation process, if you’re searching for moving companies in Akron, rely on a company you can trust and opt for RLD Relocation & Logistics.

We’ve provided our community and beyond with high-quality, dependable moving solutions since 1998, and we dedicate ourselves to keeping our customers satisfied every time. 

When you need an Akron moving company, we’re the movers for you! Request a free quote today, and find out more about our affordable rates.

Home Storage Solutions for Every Room in the House

It happens to the best of us. We get behind on organizing and just start throwing things in different closets or in the garage to get it out of the line of sight, and then promptly forget about it. Then we do it over and over again until suddenly we’re out of storage and our closets look like a mess! 


Home Storage Solutions

When you’ve run out of storage in your home, it’s time to improvise to declutter and get organized again. Luckily for you, you’re not embarking upon this home storage journey alone – we’ve got all of the best home storage tips for you to get your house in order once more. 


Closet Organization Tips

The biggest clutter culprit found in your home is most likely your closets. As we mentioned prior, everybody has the tendency to throw things in closets, let everything just be out of sight and out of mind. However, keeping your closets tidy and well-kept is imperative to keeping your home functional and neat. 


So how do you keep your closets managed? Some starters to pay attention to are wasted space within the closet. Instead of just leaving shoes all over the bottom floor of the area, instead get a couple of shoe racks to maximize that bottom space. You can also get a shoe organizer that can be hung over your door to free up that bottom space completely for some small drawers or organizers. 


Next, look up top in your closet to see what you can do to maximize unused space on your top shelf and above. Get organizers or decorative bins to store smaller items up top, while keeping them easily accessible. 


Garage Storage Ideas

Another storage black hole in many homes is the garage, where many just throw anything they don’t have room in the house for. However, by keeping your garage neat and tidy, you’ll not only keep the space looking great, but will also free up room for even more storage!


Put in wall paneling or shelving to house all of that gardening or lawn equipment, plus seasonal items and sports equipment. Label bins and categorize what goes where, and clear out anything you don’t need. This is a great way to maximize your space while clearing it out to make room for your car – which should actually be in there!


Basement Organization Ideas

It can be really hard to keep track of what’s in your basement. By installing cabinetry and shelving in easily accessible parts of the space, you’ll allow for maximum space while keeping the area clear. If converting your basement into a storage space, make sure to stay aware and conscious of any dampness or moisture in the area which could damage the things you have stored down there. 


Bedroom Storage Tips

Keeping your bedroom neat and tidy should always be a top priority. If you find yourself running out of bedroom storage, get innovative with it! Get storage solutions to put underneath your bed, or buy a desk and nightstands with built-in storage. Finally, follow some of our previous closet organization tips to make the most of your space. 


Keeping your home free of clutter and with maximum storage potential is imperative to making sure that you’re living your best life. Keeping your home free of clutter also really comes in handy prior to a move, and cuts down on the moving services you’ll need or the expenses you’ll have come relocation time. 


If you find yourself without room for your things after your decluttering, however, it might be time to invest in storage options from the best storage company around. Plus, when you use ___’s storage services, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your things are safe and secure. Moving soon? We’re the moving company you can trust to not only store your items safely, but transport them as well!