Moving with Pets: Complete Guide

Are you planning an upcoming relocation but feeling unsure about how to approach the relocation with your pets? Moving to a new home is a significant life event, and it can be even more stressful for our four-legged friends than it is for us. To make the transition as smooth as possible, careful planning and consideration are essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the crucial steps and tips to ensure a stress-free move for you and your pets. Keep reading to discover the best steps to make the transition feel like a breeze!

  • Visit the Vet

Before embarking on your moving journey, be sure to schedule a visit to the veterinarian. Ensure that your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and receives a health check-up. If you’re moving to a new area, ask your vet for recommendations on pet care services in the new location. Additionally, obtain a copy of your pet’s medical records, which can be helpful in case of an emergency. Doing your due diligence will allow for a much smoother relocation process with your pets.

  • Update Identification

Ensure your pet’s identification tags are current with your new contact information. If your pet is microchipped, update the details linked to the chip. This step is crucial in case your pet gets lost during the move or in the initial days at the new location. Updating these forms of identification is a necessity, and it will ultimately provide you with peace of mind during the relocation.

  • Research Local Regulations

Different cities and states may have varying pet regulations, such as licensing requirements or restrictions on certain breeds. Research the local pet laws at your new destination to ensure you comply with all necessary regulations. This knowledge will help you avoid any surprises and make the transition smoother for your furry friend.

  • Maintain Your Routines

Pets thrive on routines, and a move can disrupt their sense of stability. As much as possible, maintain your regular feeding, walking, and playtime schedules in the weeks leading up to your relocation. Consistency will provide comfort to your pets amid the chaos of packing and moving. This sense of normalcy can keep you and your pets feeling as calm as possible throughout the move.

  • Start Packing Early

Packing up an entire household takes time, and pets can become stressed by the changes happening around them. Start the packing process early to minimize disruptions and allow your pets to gradually adjust to the changing environment. This will also help you avoid the last-minute rush and ensure a more organized move, ultimately allowing you to enjoy a much less stressful relocation process.

  • Acclimate Pets to Boxes

Naturally, your pets will be curious about the many changes in their environment, and this includes the many boxes you’ll be filling ahead of your move. Introduce your pets to the moving boxes gradually. Leave some boxes open for exploration and allow them to get used to the sight and smell of packed belongings. This step helps reduce anxiety and makes the presence of boxes less intimidating for your pets.

  • Prepare for Transportation

Consider the mode of transportation for your pets carefully. If you’re driving, ensure your pet is familiar and comfortable with the car. For longer journeys, plan for breaks to allow your pet to stretch, relieve themselves, and stay hydrated. If you’re flying, research pet travel policies and choose a pet-friendly airline. Having a thorough plan for your pets’ transportation will allow for a much less stressful process.

  • Pack Pet Items Last

When packing up your home, save your pet’s belongings for last. Familiar items like their bed, toys, and bowls can provide a sense of comfort during the journey and in the new environment. Unpacking these items first at the new home will help your pet settle in more quickly, as they can adjust to the new space with the familiar smells of these items.

  • Pack a Pet Essentials Bag

Prepare a bag with essential items for your pet during the move and the first few days in the new home. Include food, water, bowls, medication, grooming supplies, and comfort items. Having these essentials readily available will make the transition smoother and reduce stress for your pet. Plus, having these items on hand is necessary during your move to take proper care of your pets.

  • Pet-Proof Your New Home

Before bringing your pets into the new home, pet-proof the space. Check for any potential hazards or escape routes, secure windows and balconies, and remove toxic plants or substances. Creating a safe environment will prevent accidents and ensure your pet’s well-being.

  • Unpack Pet Items First

Once you arrive at your new home, prioritize unpacking your pet’s belongings. Set up their designated area with familiar items so they have a comfortable and secure space amidst unfamiliar surroundings. This will help ease their anxiety and promote a faster adjustment to the new environment. Their familiar items will allow them to feel comfortable in their new home.

  • Settle In

After the move, focus on helping your pet acclimate to the new surroundings. Gradually reintroduce routines and spend quality time with them. Exploration of the new environment should be supervised initially to ensure their safety. Be patient and understanding as your pet adjusts to their new home, and make sure you put in the time and energy to help your pet become comfortable in the space.


Moving with Pets Made Simple

Moving with pets requires careful planning and consideration to ensure their safety and well-being throughout the process. By following these essential steps and providing your pets with love, patience, and reassurance, you can make the moving experience a positive one for the entire family. Searching for a trusted moving company to make the process even easier? Count on RLD Relocation & Logistics, your premier movers in Akron! 

Since 1998, our company has provided high-quality moving services to countless customers and their beloved pets. We offer comprehensive moving, packing, and storage solutions at competitive prices, greatly simplifying the moving process. Request a free quote online or call us today to find out more information!